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The Active Guide to Retirement


By now, the informed population of new retirees will be well versed on the importance of staying active during retirement.  It’s often said that definitions of retirement should be redefined to some extent; placing far more focus on engaging with the interests you have more time for as a retiree and far less focus on slowing down, or resting up.

Even if some aspects of your physical ability restrict you in retirement, it’s important to understand that a healthy retirement is about taking the best possible care of yourself. A great retirement embraces:

Regular Mental Exercise

Keeping your brain active is just as important as keeping your body fit. In fact, studies show that a healthy mind can help to inform and influence the choices we make for our physical fitness. Join a trivia team, demolish the crosswords to improve your memory, make use of your local library – whatever your interests keep your mind ticking!

Regular Physical Exercise 

It doesn’t have to be about heavy-set awkward cardiovascular exercise, though it’s fantastic if you can get the blood pumping around the system. 30 minutes 5 days a week is great- but if you love to use your body, it’s often said your later years will be more comfortable, so keep moving for a retirement you’ll love!

Avoid Stress

While a little stress is great, unnecessary stress or worry is hazardous to the health and can impact on your immune system quickly. Want to stay fit? Avoid drama and brush off stress with a solid and well-planned exercise routine.  Why not look up a local class for meditation, yoga or tai-chi?

Important: It goes without saying that alcohol consumption in excess, and cigarettes place a negative stress on the body and should be avoided where possible. If your history with alcohol is problem free, you can continue to drink as normal. However, your doctor can assist you in finding the best way to cut down where you need to.

Hopefully, retirement is the green flag you’ve always looked for to take things at your own pace, an opportunity to divert your energy and challenge yourself in areas you’d like to explore. At Victoria Towers, our services cater to all levels of need in health and aged care. For more information about our highly rated apartments, please contact us via the office number provided and speak with a member of our team.